The great Gesture

1. Introduction

The great Gesture

As a bachelor cs student, that actively does weightlifting and is learning multiple languages (english, portugues and japanese, whereas taking the jlpt n2 in upcoming time), I've been actively struggling with keeping a lifestyle that is both time efficient, fun and keeps me not too stressed out. While reading lots of books on the topic (references )and having tested out a couple of things [[ I want to write an documentation (actively while testing new methods) to cover which methods/tools have worked for me and which didn't and perhabs more importantly why they didn't work. I do think, generally a lot of methods are hardly generalisable and do actively depend on the individual, their circumstances and world view. This though is not to say that reading and actively trying out new methods cannot benefit oneself at mastering their owns life. Thus I welcome you to my fitst blog. ]] [[change]]
(Hereby it is to say that this blog is a huge playground for me, as I strive to become a part time writter or atleast blogger, to give my creative mind a release from time to time and improve my ablitiy to structure my thoughts, words and finally put them together to ideas, as this I do believe is a fundamental skill in the social environment we live in)

2. What needs to change

Within time and time again, I've realised how the things I'm learning require a certain deeper level of engangement in order to be connected and understood. As an example take Japanese: Learning as I did so far, everyday a couple of hours for multiple years, gets you to bit by bit learn the necesarry words and pick up the grammar patterns. Though this leaves with issues, not having fully understood the depths to the grammar patterns, still having lots of issues with more complex kanjis and seeing it all really together. Therefore its needed to put in an effort to learn the language in an deeper way, trying to acquire everything there is to it. The same goes for the subjects I picked in university. The general idea is there, but your lacking being an expert.

3. Methods to finally get stuff done

3.1 What worked so far

3.2 What I currently employ

3.3 What hasn't worked

3.4 What I'm looking forward to employ

4. Conclusion